Tuesday, March 22, 2005

二階堂和美 / nika us tour 2003 (map)

その二階堂和美が2003年に決行したus tourの模様をdvdとlive音源、レコーディング音源+ブックレットという形でパッケージしたドキュメンタリー作品がリリースされました。

do you know kazumi nikaido, a japanese female singer?
she is a prodigy who create her own musical world with her unique personality.
her works sound to be basically made by guitar and her singing voice which are multi-recorded.
what is the adequate word to express her music? it is not like hot or cool but may be rather magical chemical response, i feel so.
in her song, she doesn't always sing by correct Japanese languages but sometimes distinctive language that should be called nika-language(?).
recently, the documentary package including 1 dvd that record the scene of nikaido's us tour 2003, 2 cds that one is live cd and another is a recording album and the booklet has been released.
that price is only 3600yen. i think it so low price.
i first watched dvd soon after getting this product. then in the movie, the burger which nikaido was eating at a burger stand impressed me and let me feel it looked so delicious!

Sunday, March 20, 2005

日本におけるドイツ 2005/2006

 ドイツ大使館やゲーテ・インスティテュート等が主催する「日本におけるドイツ 2005/2006」というキャンペーンが実施されているみたいです。文化、経済、科学の様々な分野でドイツを日本へ紹介しようという試みのようです。
 その一環として、GOETHE-INSTITUTE TOKYO presents"SOUNDZ FROM GERMANY" festival 2005 なるイベントが開催されます。現代のドイツを代表するアーティストたちが参加するイベントなんですが、面子が実に豪華です。

atom heartmouse on marslali punaiso 68der planmiakantepolemonolakeapparat、pink ellin


the campaign "german year in Japan 2005/2006" is being held by embassy of germany and goethe institute. the purpose of this event is to introduce germany to japan from the view points of culture, economy, science and so on.
then, goethe-institute tokyo presents "soundz from germany" festival 2005 is one of the program included in this campaign. many artist who are representative of today's german music scene will join and perform on this festival and those members are great indeed.

atom heart,mouse on mars,lali puna,iso 68,der plan,mia,kante,pole,monolake,apparat,pink ellin

ticket price for them is only 5500 yen, so reasonable price! moreover, this event will not be over midnight so it may be good for the people who want to keep their custom to sleep in the night after taking bath. festival will take place on 2nd 3rd and 5th may(tokyo 2days, osaka 1day). artists shown on stage may be little bit different by everyday.