Tuesday, December 28, 2004

the discs of 2004

i'm going to show my list of the best discs released in 2004 here!
how about yours?

music a.m. / a heart two stars (quatermass)
savath & savalath / apropa't (warp record)
the boats / songs by the sea (moteer)
lali puna / faking the book (morr music)
robert lippok / falling into komeit (monika)
swod / gehen (city centre offices)
igloo / igloo (after hours)
marz / wir sind hier (karaoke kalk)
joanna newsom / the milk-eyed mender (drag city)
styrofoam / nothing's lost (morr music)
mice parade / obligado saudade (bubble core)
kings of convenience / riot on an empty street
mum / summer make good (fatcat)
margareth kammerer / to be an animal of real flesh (charhizma)
donato wharton / trabanten (city centre offices)
to rococo rot / hotel morgen (domino)
tahiti 80 / a piece of sunshine
the remote viewer / you're going to love our defeatist attitude (city centre offices)

Sunday, December 26, 2004

various artists / fork ends (audio dregs)

the compilation album "fork ends" has came out from audio dregs.
previous compilation was co-operated with tomlab, a nice germany indies label and very good album. and then this time's compilation is good too. participant are e*rock, e*vax, f.s. blumm, lineland, lullatone, supersprite (they are well-known people on this label), greg davis, flim, kazumasa hashimoto (they are famous people on other labels), nudge, nice nice, guido mobius, honey & colleen, baikonour, frz, un caddie renverse dans l'herbe, strategy (new comers? i have never heard them and don't know well. sorry...). every works may entertain you if you love taste of this label!
especially, i love so much "deep#8" by nice nice. i wanna listen few more tracks by nice nice! anybody knows this artist well? "nice nice" is too simple to search them by google :-P

Saturday, December 18, 2004

tell me what you're listening to now? (audioscrobbler)

audioscrobbler is amazing web program.
as you know, numerous people enjoy music on pc by audio software like winamp, itunes, windows media player and so on. audioscrobbler enable you to share the information about what you are listening to and what you have listened to before to public world. these information can be shown at your user's page. of course everyone can browse this page and find the user who has similar interest with you. audioscrobbler provide us many function for improve our community network easy.for example, all information are linked each other. when you browse some artist page you like, you can see how many user and who like this artist and which song has been played at how many times. you may find user who can share musical interest with you and it easy to access to those users page by just click name on list at artist page. moreover, audioscrobbler provide "group" "friend" and "musical neighbour". for example,by "group" , we can make a group for a artist,label and particular genre to share information and news and to discuss at forum set up at every group. "friend" and "musical neighbour" are also useful for your improving musical network. additionaly, audioascrobbler analyze the date of your listening history and compare with other's musical choice pattern and then recommend new musical stuff which are expected to match your interest.

to join is easy. just register your name and pass. e-mail address is optional :-) and download plug-in available for your player and install it. that's all!

if that helps, my page is here

 言うまでもないことですが、膨大な数の人たちが、winampやitunes、windows media playerなどのソフトを利用して、PC上で音楽を楽しんでいます。audioscrobblerはその各人が聞いてる音楽の情報、聞いてた音楽の情報を世界に向けて共有しようと言うプログラムです。ネットラジオのように音源そのものを世界に向けて流すのではなく、あくまで流すのは、何を聞いているのか、何を聞いていたのか、という情報だけです。こういった情報は各人のユーザーページから参照することができ、もちろん誰でもそれを見ることができるので、自分の音楽の趣味と似通ったユーザーを探すことができます。audioscrobblerはそういったコミュニティーをより促進するような様々な機能も提供してくれます。例えば、全ての情報は互いにリンクされています。あなたが好きなアーティストのページを開いたとき、そこにはどの曲が今までに何回聞かれて、またそのアーティストの曲を多く聞いているユーザーは誰か、と言ったことがリストアップされます。それを見ることで同じアーティストが好きなユーザーが誰なのかを知ることができます。そしてそのユーザーのページへは、リスト上の名前をクリックするだけでアクセスできます。さらに"group""friend""musical neighbour"と言った機能も用意されており、例えば"group"ではアーティストやレーベル、特定のジャンルに関するグループをユーザー同士で作って、各グループのページに開かれるフォーラム上で情報交換等ができるようになっています。"friend"は親しいユーザーを登録するとコンタクトが取り易くなりますし、"musical neighbour"は過去に聴いた曲のデータを分析して、共通する音楽の趣味を持つと思われるユーザーをリストアップしてくれます。加えて、audioscrobblerも過去のデータからお勧めのアーティスト等を紹介してくれたりもします。



Saturday, December 11, 2004

collaborations with sound & visuals (after hours)

this wonderful product has provided by after hours, a japanese distributor and label.
on this product, 15 illustrator and 15 musician took parts for collaboration with sound works and visual works. as we all know, every works are unreleased stuffs.
nice participants are below.

mum with adam piarce(mice parade) & doug scharin(him) / mice parade / him / the lonesome organist / isan / hypo & boulder ddash / montag / spoombung(aka.kev hopper) / the pavkovic band / joshua larue / hey / cian ethrie / lullatone / fleckfumie / ultra living
dennis eriksson / e*rock / flip flop flyin' / hanni pannier / jan kruse / julia boettcher / mumbleboy / orvar thorey jarson smarason (mum) / kenichi mizuno / kimie kikuchi / kouki arai / noritake /satoshi ogawa / shinji abe / shinpei kusanagi

check details here

e*rock's blog (light & sound)

e*rock is one of my favorite artists. he manages an indipendent labal named "audio dregs" together with his brother e*vax known well by his marvelous work "parking lot music".  i love this label :-)
e* rock made web design for the label site and almost art works on released cds from his label too.
he show many visual work on his blog.

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

eastern developments (eastern developments)

if you are addicted to electronic music, you may know well this man who has several names used for different music projects, like "prefuse73", "savath and savalas", and "delarosa and asora".
yes,he is scott herren and one of the most important person in today's electronic music scene.
he has great talent of music. when he is prefuse73, he makes cool dsp hip-hop sound and when savath and savalas, he plays the moody mixture sound between acoustic sound and electronics.
and what i want to tell you today is the label "eastern developments" that is owned by scott herren.
some artist who are admired by him have already released their works. dsp hip-hop, abstract, break beats, instrumentals, analogue electronics, we can find many style of sound in these artist and think it as if a reflection with that scott herren's prismatic interests and talents.
i recommend you to listen the works from this label, if you want to understand him and his music attitude more.

エレクトロニカ好きであるのなら、prefuse73、savath and savalas,delarosa and asoraといった様々な名義を持つこの人物をよく知っているかと思われます。
彼は非常に優れた音楽の才能を持ち、prefuse73ではクールなdsp hip-hopを、savath and savalasではアコースティックなサウンドとエレクトロニクスを融合させたムーディーな音楽を聴かせてくれます。
今日紹介したいのは、そのスコット・ヘレンのレーベル"eastern developments"。
スコット・ヘレンの眼鏡にかなった何名かのアーティストがすでにその作品をリリースしています。 その音楽のスタイルはdsp hip-hopやアブストラクト、インストゥルメンタルやアナログな感じの電子音など様々であり、まるでスコット・ヘレン自身の多様な関心と才能を反映しているかのように思われます。

Thursday, December 02, 2004

lemon jelly 's new single

you can watch the PV of lemon jelly's new single "stay with me" here.
that's nice!
everyone may realize it lemon jelly's sound once you listen it....