the end of prefuse 73 international

scott hellenがmyspace上のblogでprefuse73としての活動を終了する旨を発表しました。来月にリリースされる"security screenings"後に、一応アルバム一枚分のリリースは予定されているようです。
prefuse73としての活動を終了するだけであって、彼自身の音楽活動を停止させる訳ではないようです。savath + savalasとかbattlesのメンバーと始めたバンドとかありますし、彼のレーベルeastern developmentsもリリースを続けるでしょう。
"vocal studies + uprock narratives"から続けられた、dsp hip-hopとも呼ばれる彼独自のヒップホップの電子音楽的アプローチが一端ここで終了すると思うと、感慨深いものがあります。
アディオス pf73!
scott hellen a.k.a. prefuse 73 declared the end of prefuse 73 at his blog on he seemed to have one record after "security screenings" which will be released in next month.
this is only the end for prefuse 73 but not for other his projects, so it doesn't mean the end of his musical activity. he has a lot of other project like savath + savalas, untitled band with a member from battles and more, and his label eastern developments will keep on release too.
his unique electronic music approach for hip-hop often called "dsp hip-hop" kept since "vocal studies + uprock narratives" will be over in meanwhile. considering it, I feel deeply emotion.
what new veiw point did he find and how decided the end. I'm going to expect next his approach.
adios pf73!
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