Nine Horses / Snow Born Sorrow

前作"blemish"ではDSPを駆使した前衛的なサウンドを展開していたdavid sylvianですが、新作"snow born sorrow"では、burnt friedman、実弟steve、と組んで、nine horses名義でジャズ色の強い楽曲を披露しています。burnt freidmanはatom heartと組んだflangerでもDSPにジャズを乗せるという作業をしていますから、この手の楽曲はお手の物なのかもしれません。もっとも、初期のflangerのような多量なエディットが加えられている訳ではなく、あくまで味付け程度のエディットであり、基本的にdavid sylvianの唄とメロディーを活かすような楽曲に仕上げられています。ゲストでは坂本龍一も参加しています。
after release of last work "blemish", advanced sounds which had been used much with DSP, at new album"snow born sorrow", david sylvian with steve(his real younger brother) and burnt freidman as nine horses showed more jazzy sounds than before works. burnt freidman had been working for editing jazz sound with atom heart in their project "flanger", so this type of procedure would be accomplished by him. however, in this album, editting was a little tool for sound unlike earlier flanger's works, while mainly sylvian's vocal work and melody line were set in the front. and ryuichi sakamoto took part in as guest.
Nine Horses / Snow Born Sorrow - レビュー
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