Saturday, January 28, 2006

Nobukazu Takemura appers on Mice Parade Japan tour as guest in Kyoto

mice paradeの京都公演で竹村ノブカズがゲストとして出演することが決まりました。"10th"以降新作のリリースは無く、一説によると、シチリアに移り住んでクレイアニメに没頭したい、と言っていたそうですが、bang on a canに楽曲提供をしたり、東京でインスタレーションをしたりと、一応音楽的な活動も続けていたようですが、パフォーマーとしてライブイベントへ参加するのは久しぶりなのではないでしょうか?


Thursday, January 19, 2006


 繊細なメロディー、しっとりとしたコーラスワーク。アコースティックデュオ、king of convenienceの初来日が決定しました。

3.10 金 心斎橋クラブクアトロ 18:00オープン 19:00スタート 前売り5500円
3.12 日 渋谷クラブクアトロ 18:00オープン 19:00スタート 前売り5500円 


dainty melody, mellow chorus work. the first japan tour of king of convenience, a acoustic duo. is set now.
the date are

3.10 Fri Shinsaibashi-club quatro open 18:00 start 19:00 adv \5500
3.12 Sun Shibuya-club quatro open 18:00 start 19:00 adv \5500

this march may become busy with rush of tour!!


Tuesday, January 17, 2006

TUJIKO NORIKO will become a mom!?

 megotomolab、からのリリース、最近ではaoki takamasaやriow araiとの活動で意欲的な作品を発表した、日本を代表する歌モノエレクトロニカアーティストtujiko norikoが、今年の6月頃に出産を予定しているそうです。

tujiko noriko,a representative electronica female singier of japan who have released albums from mego and tomlab, and recently brought out aggresive works with aoki takamasa, riow arai as each collaborations, will have baby in next june!!


Saturday, January 14, 2006

Nine Horses / Snow Born Sorrow

前作"blemish"ではDSPを駆使した前衛的なサウンドを展開していたdavid sylvianですが、新作"snow born sorrow"では、burnt friedman、実弟steve、と組んで、nine horses名義でジャズ色の強い楽曲を披露しています。burnt freidmanはatom heartと組んだflangerでもDSPにジャズを乗せるという作業をしていますから、この手の楽曲はお手の物なのかもしれません。もっとも、初期のflangerのような多量なエディットが加えられている訳ではなく、あくまで味付け程度のエディットであり、基本的にdavid sylvianの唄とメロディーを活かすような楽曲に仕上げられています。ゲストでは坂本龍一も参加しています。

after release of last work "blemish", advanced sounds which had been used much with DSP, at new album"snow born sorrow", david sylvian with steve(his real younger brother) and burnt freidman as nine horses showed more jazzy sounds than before works. burnt freidman had been working for editing jazz sound with atom heart in their project "flanger", so this type of procedure would be accomplished by him. however, in this album, editting was a little tool for sound unlike earlier flanger's works, while mainly sylvian's vocal work and melody line were set in the front. and ryuichi sakamoto took part in as guest.

Nine Horses / Snow Born Sorrow - レビュー

Friday, January 13, 2006

mice parade japan tour & animal collective japan tour

3月に来日予定だった、mice paradeの日本公演animal collectiveの日本公演の日程が決まったようです。mice paradeはかなり詰め込んだ日程になっています。詳しくはmice paradeはfat cat、animal collectiveはpaw tracksにて。

"Mice Parade JAPAN TOUR 2006"


both of the schedules of mice parade japan tour and animal collective japan tour which were planned for this march are out now. watching the schedule of mice parade, I found it so tight! if you need more detailed information, check it at fat cat for mice parade and paw tracks for animal collective.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

top albums for 2005 by various people

 前にも紹介しましたboomkatのサイトでは、boomkat以外にも様々なアーティストが選んだ2005年のトップアルバムのリストが公開されています。例えば私の好きなアーティストである所の、isanやhood、lali puna(のvalerie嬢)、mapstation、the boatなどがそれぞれ選んだ2005年の10枚を選んでいます。自分のお気に入りのアーティストが去年一年どんな音源をよく聴き、どんな音源を印象深く感じたのか、また、それらから、今彼らがどのような音に対してアンテナを広げているのか、ということを推測するとなかなか楽しいものがあります。

at boomkat where I introduced before in this my blog, a lot of list of the albums for 2005 selected by not only boomkat but various artists too is shown off now. for example, my loved artists, that is, isan, hood, valerie form lali puna, mapstation, the boat and more selected their own list of albums for last year. these indicated what they listened frequently last year, what disc impressed them last year, and they are setting their music antena orientated to where nowadays. thinking about it, it's so fun:)

Boomkat - chart

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

the end of prefuse 73 international

 scott hellenがmyspace上のblogでprefuse73としての活動を終了する旨を発表しました。来月にリリースされる"security screenings"後に、一応アルバム一枚分のリリースは予定されているようです。
 prefuse73としての活動を終了するだけであって、彼自身の音楽活動を停止させる訳ではないようです。savath + savalasとかbattlesのメンバーと始めたバンドとかありますし、彼のレーベルeastern developmentsもリリースを続けるでしょう。
 "vocal studies + uprock narratives"から続けられた、dsp hip-hopとも呼ばれる彼独自のヒップホップの電子音楽的アプローチが一端ここで終了すると思うと、感慨深いものがあります。
 アディオス pf73!

scott hellen a.k.a. prefuse 73 declared the end of prefuse 73 at his blog on he seemed to have one record after "security screenings" which will be released in next month.
this is only the end for prefuse 73 but not for other his projects, so it doesn't mean the end of his musical activity. he has a lot of other project like savath + savalas, untitled band with a member from battles and more, and his label eastern developments will keep on release too.
his unique electronic music approach for hip-hop often called "dsp hip-hop" kept since "vocal studies + uprock narratives" will be over in meanwhile. considering it, I feel deeply emotion.
what new veiw point did he find and how decided the end. I'm going to expect next his approach.
adios pf73!

Monday, January 09, 2006



panther'PV was so intensely unique that I couldn't help watching it over and over...


Sunday, January 08, 2006

the disc of 2005

10 discs of 2005 chosen by me.

tahiti80 "fosbury"
prefuse73 "surrounded by silence"
the remote viewer "let your heart draw a line"
psapp "tiger, my friend"
13+god "13+god"
beck "guero"
the book "lost and safe"
caribou(ex-manitoba) "the milk of human kindness"
her space holiday "the past presents the future"
aoki takamasa+tujiko noriko "28"

Saturday, January 07, 2006

AminA as support of sigur ros in Japan tour 2006

sigur rosの来日公演でaminaというアーティストがサポートを務めるようです。

it is likely that the artist named amina may support for sigur los at japan tour in 2006.
because i've never heard about this artist before, i've tried a little to search fot the official site and checked it then i found it quite nice band consists of 4 friends.
the sound should be expressed a sort of chamber music like acoustic played mileece. rather, mileece should be expressed a sort of electronic music like acoustic chamber music, i guess so.
though they have released only 1 ep still, i have interested in their future activity.
i have no will power against this kind of sounds ;)


aki tsuyuko "hokane"

日本版はchildiscから、海外版はthrill jockeyからのリリースのようです。

is new album by aki tsuyuko being prepared now??
it will be released from childisc for Japan and from thrill jockey for the rest of world.

Welcome to Childisc WWW

Friday, January 06, 2006

Pepe California: discography Archives

pepe californiaは生音と電子音を絡めた音楽を作るバンドです。
morr musicとかtomlabとか最近のcorneliusとか好きな人は好きなんじゃないでしょうか。

pepe california is the band which makes music by mixing acoustic sound and electronics. I guess people who like morr music, tomlab and recent cornelius may like them.
I knew fortuitously this band when I competed against my friend by following the name of band or artsit including place-name into.
from the official site based on blog style, you can download mp3s which has been released before. try it.

Pepe California: discography Archives

commenting and trackback have been added to this blog.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006




do you know marumari? he released 3 titles from carpark.
now we can download his mp3ep from his site.

and am I only person who feel his looks resemble Vulcan appear on Star Trek? I hear he has interested in SF...


Boomkat - Your independent music specialist

先日もwinter campaignで3枚ほどCDを購入しました。


boomkat,the English record shop.
the design is cute, besides, the selection of music also cool, so, I can enjoy enough just by browsing around. a lot of online sample are provided, which is helpful for checking new songs.
sometimes, we could find campaign, however, those prices could not said always reasonable because UK pound is basically expensive for JPN yen. but, if you search carefully anything,you could make some of lucky finds . by this reason, I use this site about 2 times by a year.
recently, I bought 3 albums shown above here.

Boomkat - Your independent music specialist

Tuesday, January 03, 2006 - CAPITOL K / NOMAD JUNK

今更かもしれませんが、capitol kの新譜が出ていることを知りませんでした。

though a littel too late, I've never known the fact that capitol K had released new album already.
and he will come to Japan but only to tokyo.
you can wathc his PV at link beneath. - CAPITOL K / NOMAD JUNK

sigur rós - live in reykjavík 2005

live movie is uploaded on sigur ros official site now.
sigur rós - live in reykjavík 2005

Monday, January 02, 2006

~scape Japan Tour 2006

pole、jan jelinekの日本ツアーです。
poleのステージは、昨年、soundz from germanyで観ましたが、確かに期待していた以上のものでした。
city centre officesが好きなのですが、余り日本で所属アーティストのライブを見る機会がありません。今回はその貴重なチャンスなのですが、京都公演ではpoleのサポートドラムだけですか。旧作、新作いずれも良い作品だったので是非ソロで見たかったのですが・・・。
city centre offices japan tourとかやってくれないですかねぇ?
static, dub tractor, ulrich schnauss辺りで。贅沢な願いですが。

pole and jan jelinek come to japan as ~scape japan tour 2006.
I saw pole's stage at soundz from germany festival last year and it was good beyond my expectation certainly.
on a personal note, attractive point of this tour is about static.
I love city centre offices, nevertheless, there is little chance to see the stage by artists belonging to the label.
this tour would be good chance that my hope come true, but, static do only support drum for pole at kyoto??? If I could see his stage because both of his older and latest works were pretty good....
I wish city centre offices came to japan as tour....
for example, with static, dub tractor, ulrich schnauss...
well, I know it's tight wish.

~scape Japan Tour 2006

mice parade Japan tour at 1-5 March 2006?

mice parade再来日?

mice parade come back again to Japan?
according to this dates, the tour is considered for 5 days, so mice parade could visit for live to tokyo 2times and kansai area or tokyo,nagoya and osaka(kyoto)?
i guess he may visit to metro in kyoto personally

Bubble Core Records - Tour Dates

.tape. has released new album

ambulatore blogによると、.tape.がニューアルバム"paintings"をspa.RKよりリリースしたようです。

according to ambulatore blog(ambulatore is .tape.'s private label), he released new album named "paintings " from spa. RK!
he is at once my musical friend and my favorite artist. he can create dreamy and fantastic sounds with his toy instruments and audio software and then lead us to beautiful electronic sound scape. I can declare he has rare talent to make a such kind of music.
aside from this, .tape. is not tape(from hapna). don't forget 2 dots:-)

Sunday, January 01, 2006

greetings for the new year

a happy new year :-)