~scape Japan Tour 2006

pole、jan jelinekの日本ツアーです。
poleのステージは、昨年、soundz from germanyで観ましたが、確かに期待していた以上のものでした。
city centre officesが好きなのですが、余り日本で所属アーティストのライブを見る機会がありません。今回はその貴重なチャンスなのですが、京都公演ではpoleのサポートドラムだけですか。旧作、新作いずれも良い作品だったので是非ソロで見たかったのですが・・・。
city centre offices japan tourとかやってくれないですかねぇ?
static, dub tractor, ulrich schnauss辺りで。贅沢な願いですが。
pole and jan jelinek come to japan as ~scape japan tour 2006.
I saw pole's stage at soundz from germany festival last year and it was good beyond my expectation certainly.
on a personal note, attractive point of this tour is about static.
I love city centre offices, nevertheless, there is little chance to see the stage by artists belonging to the label.
this tour would be good chance that my hope come true, but, static do only support drum for pole at kyoto??? If I could see his stage because both of his older and latest works were pretty good....
I wish city centre offices came to japan as tour....
for example, with static, dub tractor, ulrich schnauss...
well, I know it's tight wish.
~scape Japan Tour 2006
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