collaborations with sound & visuals (after hours)

this wonderful product has provided by after hours, a japanese distributor and label.
on this product, 15 illustrator and 15 musician took parts for collaboration with sound works and visual works. as we all know, every works are unreleased stuffs.
nice participants are below.
mum with adam piarce(mice parade) & doug scharin(him) / mice parade / him / the lonesome organist / isan / hypo & boulder ddash / montag / spoombung(aka.kev hopper) / the pavkovic band / joshua larue / hey / cian ethrie / lullatone / fleckfumie / ultra living
dennis eriksson / e*rock / flip flop flyin' / hanni pannier / jan kruse / julia boettcher / mumbleboy / orvar thorey jarson smarason (mum) / kenichi mizuno / kimie kikuchi / kouki arai / noritake /satoshi ogawa / shinji abe / shinpei kusanagi
check details here
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