二階堂和美 / nika us tour 2003 (map)

その二階堂和美が2003年に決行したus tourの模様をdvdとlive音源、レコーディング音源+ブックレットという形でパッケージしたドキュメンタリー作品がリリースされました。
do you know kazumi nikaido, a japanese female singer?
she is a prodigy who create her own musical world with her unique personality.
her works sound to be basically made by guitar and her singing voice which are multi-recorded.
what is the adequate word to express her music? it is not like hot or cool but may be rather magical chemical response, i feel so.
in her song, she doesn't always sing by correct Japanese languages but sometimes distinctive language that should be called nika-language(?).
recently, the documentary package including 1 dvd that record the scene of nikaido's us tour 2003, 2 cds that one is live cd and another is a recording album and the booklet has been released.
that price is only 3600yen. i think it so low price.
i first watched dvd soon after getting this product. then in the movie, the burger which nikaido was eating at a burger stand impressed me and let me feel it looked so delicious!
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