psapp / tiger, my friend (leaf)

psapp is the band made by calim clasmann and galia durant in London. they were admired by robin saville a member of isan and "buttons and war" ep was released from his owned label "arable records". this ep was critically acclaimed by many listeners and artists. in fact, sketch show by haruomi hosono and yukihiro takahashi (they are ex-yellow magic orchestra) offered them join to their remix album and "rolling stone" magazine chose them in top 10 for most-notable artist.
this "tiger, my friend" debut full-length album was out in such expectations. while every track sounds home-made in good sense, those details were also elaborated high-quality. basicaly, that performance style is that garia singing with instruments playing and sequenced rhythm. galia's singing, acoustic instruments, sampling and processed sound were used very effectively by nice balanced. sometimes relaxing and funny, other times beautiful. especialy i love #3 " calm down" and #7 "curuncula"
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