Tuesday, November 30, 2004

manyfingers / st ( moteer )

this album is also from moteer. manyfingers is sole project by chris cole who plays in movietone.
in this work, he seems to play every instruments by himself. spanish guitar, melodica, cello, piano and more.
those made the refined beautiful chamber music. at someplace, he used processed sound on tracks and it functioned as accent to keep vision of sounds clear.
minimal phrase of piano leads us into asleep, picking spanish guitar makes us feel melancholic and strings sounds like the sound track of an unknown old film which we saw in our dream.
this could be said the aesthetic music indeed.

interview here by the milkfactory

Monday, November 29, 2004

today's panda


Sunday, November 28, 2004

movie from sonarsound tokyo 2004(sonarsound tokyo 2004)

an event called sonarsound tokyo took place in tokyo at 9th and 10th this October.
as we all know, sonar,advanced and electronic music festival at barcelona is the most important music event all of the world. as that satellite party, sonarsound tokyo was held. artist who took part were sketch show, atom heart, akufen, opiate, o'lamm, guitar, i'm not gun, chicks on speed, rei harakami and more!
and now we can see the movie including live act and interview at sonarsound tokyo official site!

Saturday, November 27, 2004

squarepusher playing bass crazy! (the gurufs)

watch the unbelievable performance by squarepusher!
(you need quick time)

the boats / songs by the sea (moteer)

moteer label is running by the remote viewer(they have released from city centre offices and 555) in uk.
this is the 3rd work released from that label. the boats is an unit by craig tattersal and andrew johnson from the remote viewer.
in this album, they made static sound atmosphere like ripples. Instruments, and female voice integrate into a layered soundscape with little rhythm. that sounds so beautiful that remind us of static seaside at night.
if you prefer to the sound by the remote viewer, you will love this album.

today's panda

let's go.

Friday, November 26, 2004

morr music on bleep! (morr music / bleep)

morr music is one of famous label on electronica music scene. many works by isan, b.fleischmann, f.s.blumm, manual, lali puna and so on have been released from here and attracted many listener around world.
though you may know if you can receive news letter from morr music, morr music decided to provide released works ( new and old ) as mp3 audio via bleep.
bleep is a online mp3 shop provided by warp record. obviously, warp record is well known as grand label for electronic music( people called often that style of music IDM before) and bleep is precious example as successful case of online mp3 shop, i think so.
for the people who don't have vinyl player and have not listened tracks released on vinyl only, this is good chance to listen them by PC or mobile mp3 player.

morr musicはElectronicaシーンでは有名なレーベルの1つです。
isan, b.fleischmann, f.s.blumm, manual, lali puna なんかのアーティストの作品をリリースして来ており、世界中のリスナーたちの関心を集めています。morr musicからのニュースレターを受け取っている人は知っているでしょうが、morr musicがbleepでレーベルの作品をmp3でオンライン販売することになったようです。
bleepはwarp recordが運営するオンラインmp3ショップです。言うまでもなく、ワープレコードと言えば(以前はしばしばIDMと言う言葉呼ばれたスタイルの)電子音楽の重鎮レーベルとしてよく知られたレーベルであり、そのbleepは、オンラインmp3ショップとして成功している貴重な例でもあると思います。

it looks that appreciating yen has improved my purchase behavior....

at Tokyo market in these days, japanese yen could be exchanged at the rate about 103 yen per 1 dollar. sometimes, the rate got raised to a rate 102 yen per 1dollar. 6 months ago, this rate was like about 113 per 1 dollar.
according to newspaper, such an appreciating yen has not been seen in these 4 years.

for sure, many japanese company which exports products to out of japan (i.e. sony, toyota, honda, sharp and so on) will have terrible damage on their benefit by this situation. however, we japanese consumer, especially people who love import product including music, think this is good chance to get what we want to get from foreign country.

anyway, what i want to tell you here is that i bought too many CDs in this month to listen carefully them all enough! some of them has even not yet been got rid of covered film :-P
and they take over my desktop......no more space to put CDs on shelf.....


Wednesday, November 24, 2004

小さな町 スーパーサウンド
smalltown supersound japan tour (smalltown supersound)

do you know "smalltown supersound"?
this is the name of pop experimental electronic music label in Norway
and one of the hottest label in this scene i think so.
smalltown supersound japan tour took place in last weekend.
of course, i went to the party at tranq room in kyoto(19th nov. 2004):-)
two artist and label owner as DJ participated in this japan tour.
one artist is kim hiorthoy,another sir dupermann.
i had know much about kim hiorthoy but not sir dupermann.
the performance by sir dupermann was former than kim hiorthoy.
his performance was good and exciting enough!
melodies by lo-fi cheap sounds were flying over cut and re-constructed beats and noise.
his aggressive seemed to attract many audience for sure.
it could be demonstrated by a fact that i saw some people purchased his CD at shop corner.
after his performance, joakim haugland played DJ for little while until kim hiorthoy was ready for play.
when kim started play, the hall was fulfill with crowd.
i think almost people expected kim's performance.
as we all know, his sound was cool, and his construction of track was dramatic!
everyone was not aware of time passing like drunk too much or spellbound in the music made by him.
i couldn't see clear what he was playing with cos he was not standing on higher stage than us but by a little bit my sight via crowd, i saw he played sampler on real time with track by sequencer running on PC.
that was very precious experience for me. especially, last track which started with melancholy sampling phrase of guitar for the encore was personaly best for me that night.
so i enjoyed enough in this party.
if i have to say one regret, it's that i didn't speak to a fascinating girl who stood near me :-P
plz come to japan each year from now!!

ノルウェーのレーベル、smalltown supersoundのjapan tour(@京都)に行ってきました。
kim hiorthoyは知っていたのですが、もう一人の出演者であるsir dupermannは音そのものを聞くこと自体、その日が初めてでした。レーベルオーナーのjoakim hauglandもDJとして随行して、ライブの合間にターンテーブルをいじっていました。最初観客が少なくて、会場もどこか閑散としていて、少し心配だったのですが、sir dupermannのライブの頃は結構な盛り上がりでした。細かく刻んで再構築ビートやノイズの上をローファイな音のメロディーが飛び交い、kim hiorthoyとどこか似たものを感じさせる所がありました。観客をぐっと引き寄せるものがあったみたいで、彼のパフォーマンスが終わった後、物販のコーナーで何人かの人が彼のアルバムを買い求めているのが見えました。その後、joakim氏のDJの傍らでkim hiorthoyのセッティングが進められ、彼のライブが始まる頃には何時の間にやら会場はかなりの人で溢れかえるようになっていました。やっぱりみんな、kim hiorthoyを目当てに来ていたみたいです。言うまでもなく、そのライブはかっこいいものでした。高いステージの上で演奏している訳ではないので、その手元はよく見えませんでしたが、人込みの向こうにちらちら見える感じではノートPCでシーケンサーを走らせ、それに合わせてサンプラーを使っているようでした。個人的にはアンコールでやった、メランコリックなギターのフレーズサンプリングの繰り返しで始まる曲が良かったです。とにかくいいイベントでした(終電前にも帰れるし)。

marz / wir sind hier (karaoke kalk)

this is 2nd full album by marz( Ekkehard Ehlers + Albrecht Kunze) from karaoke kalk.
their 1st album"love stream" was successful album and sold for long time.
new one becomes more pop, more organic, more dramatic than before.
many listener may chose this album as one of best tune in 2004.

 karaoke kalkから、marzの二枚目になるフルアルバムです。彼らの一枚目のアルバム"love stream"は名作で、ショップではロングセラーを記録したそうです。この新作は前作より、よりポップに、よりオーガニックに、そしてよりドラマティックに仕上がっています(前作より歌モノ多し)。きっと多くのリスナーが2004年の一枚に選ぶかと思われます。

hello :-)

hello everyone.
small room zine will show you

"simply disc review(mainly indies electronic muisc)"
"news and impression about labels which i have interested in"
and "a bit of thought and record in daily life "

if i can share my interests with you, i'll be happy :-)

small room zineでは、簡単なディスクレビュー(主にインディーズの電子音楽)、気になるレーベルの動向や感想、日頃のちょっとしたことなどを書き綴っていこうと思います。