小さな町 スーパーサウンド
smalltown supersound japan tour (smalltown supersound)

do you know "smalltown supersound"?
this is the name of pop experimental electronic music label in Norway
and one of the hottest label in this scene i think so.
smalltown supersound japan tour took place in last weekend.
of course, i went to the party at tranq room in kyoto(19th nov. 2004):-)
two artist and label owner as DJ participated in this japan tour.
one artist is kim hiorthoy,another sir dupermann.
i had know much about kim hiorthoy but not sir dupermann.
the performance by sir dupermann was former than kim hiorthoy.
his performance was good and exciting enough!
melodies by lo-fi cheap sounds were flying over cut and re-constructed beats and noise.
his aggressive seemed to attract many audience for sure.
it could be demonstrated by a fact that i saw some people purchased his CD at shop corner.
after his performance, joakim haugland played DJ for little while until kim hiorthoy was ready for play.
when kim started play, the hall was fulfill with crowd.
i think almost people expected kim's performance.
as we all know, his sound was cool, and his construction of track was dramatic!
everyone was not aware of time passing like drunk too much or spellbound in the music made by him.
i couldn't see clear what he was playing with cos he was not standing on higher stage than us but by a little bit my sight via crowd, i saw he played sampler on real time with track by sequencer running on PC.
that was very precious experience for me. especially, last track which started with melancholy sampling phrase of guitar for the encore was personaly best for me that night.
so i enjoyed enough in this party.
if i have to say one regret, it's that i didn't speak to a fascinating girl who stood near me :-P
plz come to japan each year from now!!
ノルウェーのレーベル、smalltown supersoundのjapan tour(@京都)に行ってきました。
kim hiorthoyは知っていたのですが、もう一人の出演者であるsir dupermannは音そのものを聞くこと自体、その日が初めてでした。レーベルオーナーのjoakim hauglandもDJとして随行して、ライブの合間にターンテーブルをいじっていました。最初観客が少なくて、会場もどこか閑散としていて、少し心配だったのですが、sir dupermannのライブの頃は結構な盛り上がりでした。細かく刻んで再構築ビートやノイズの上をローファイな音のメロディーが飛び交い、kim hiorthoyとどこか似たものを感じさせる所がありました。観客をぐっと引き寄せるものがあったみたいで、彼のパフォーマンスが終わった後、物販のコーナーで何人かの人が彼のアルバムを買い求めているのが見えました。その後、joakim氏のDJの傍らでkim hiorthoyのセッティングが進められ、彼のライブが始まる頃には何時の間にやら会場はかなりの人で溢れかえるようになっていました。やっぱりみんな、kim hiorthoyを目当てに来ていたみたいです。言うまでもなく、そのライブはかっこいいものでした。高いステージの上で演奏している訳ではないので、その手元はよく見えませんでしたが、人込みの向こうにちらちら見える感じではノートPCでシーケンサーを走らせ、それに合わせてサンプラーを使っているようでした。個人的にはアンコールでやった、メランコリックなギターのフレーズサンプリングの繰り返しで始まる曲が良かったです。とにかくいいイベントでした(終電前にも帰れるし)。
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