ogurusu norihide"good morning"release live@Kyoto

以前にcarparkよりアルバムを二枚リリースしている小栗栖憲英のニューアルバム「good morning」が先月発売になり、そのプロモーションライブが京都で行われました。
ogurusu norihide who had released 2 album from carpark before, released new album"good morning" in this july and then show his live as the promotion for the new album at Kyoto.
i believe that the person who knew about ogurusu's music was suprised to hear new his sound, because he sang a song sonorously like a country singer with his guitar.
if you are imaging that new album would be similar to previous things, you must throw such an idea away. he got changed the style from the calm musician who blend the taste of acoustic sound into electronics to the breezy singer who ask audience to sing togather.
at this live, toyama takeo show his performance as toyama takeo trio before ogurusu's stage and join to the ogurusu's band as support memmber. it was good.