"SOUNDZ FROM GERMANY" festival 2005 @Osaka

soundz from germany festival 2005行ってきました。
I went to soundz from germany festival 2005.
until opening, Lufthansa's CF were on the screen in stage.

エレクトロ・パンクと聞いていたのでchicks on speedのようなものを想像していましたが、もっと普通(?)だったように感じました。
first performance was by M.I.A.. to be honest, i didn't know them well.
hearing they were electro-punk band, i imagined them like chicks on speed but felt they were more normal(?) pop band rather than i expected.

pole was good. i decided to listen his albums again when i came home.

lali puna
たくさんの人がlali punaのステージを待っていたようです。
faking the books以降の曲はギターサウンドの導入も目立ちますが、その辺はシーケンサーで流しているみたいでした。
around this time, people were getting to crowd to the front of stage.
they seemed to look forward to lali puna really.
the band were two synth, one bass and one drum.
though tracks after faking books were introduced to use guitar sound, when performed such tracks, guitar parts looks to be played on sequencer.

mouse on mars
私がmouse on marsのステージを最後に見たのは、idiologyリリース後の来日公演以来です。
lali punaも良かったのですが、それ以上にmouse on marsは良かったです。
it was a last time for me to see the performance of mouse on mars when they come to Osaka after releasing their album "idiology".
as ever, dodo appeared outstanding. he wore red tank top.
yan and andi wore little bit similar clothes.
yan operated synth and electrics, andi played bass, sometimes operated effect console and dodo was singing with just hard drumming.
though lali puna was really good, mouse on mars was better than them.
i think they made people getting hot well. more audience got jumping steeply.
performed tracks were chosen variously from autoditacker to radical connecter.

senor coconut and his orchestra (aka ATOM tm)
というのも、ATOM tmが引き連れてきたオーケストラがここまで強烈な個性を持っているとは思っていなかったからです。
tour de franceやshowroom dummy等、おなじみのクラフトワーク・ラテンカバー生演奏バージョンに加え、smoke on the waterのラテンカバーまで出してきました。
正直、rather interestingのリリースがラテン色の強いものに傾倒し始めた頃から、少し関心が薄れかけたのですが、反省することにしました。
ちなみにマイストロATOM tmは白いスーツに身を包んで、一言も声を発さず、ステージ脇にずっと立ち続けていました。
「thank you」
sonar sound tokyoには行けなかったので、これで念願の生ATOM tmも果たせたので、大変満足です。
i supposed ATOM tm and his orchestra's act would rise incredibly but the fact was beyond my prospect!
because i never guessed the orchestra who were conducted by ATOM tm were such strong character.
they had definite skill to play instruments and moreover great showmanship as entertainer.
their music style "Latin" was much different from other musicians who played at that night, however, i felt they were most successful among them.
referring to picture above, they were so cooking.
almost audience must have not believe that they would be warmed up and got to dance by cha cha or mambo!
"tour de france", "showroom dummy", well-known latin covered kraftwerk by acoustic instruments and additionally "smoke on the water" also covered by latin arrangement.
incidentally, ATOM tm with white suit was just standing at the right side of stage with saying nothing.
sometimes he only clicked for starting the sampling track.
at the end of show, other orchestra member left then he let us listen to the little break of rhythm track .
after that, he also left the stage just saying
"thank you" (this was only word for audience which he said at the night)
i missed his stage at sonar sound tokyo so it satisfied me so much!